
Crosscut Select - Same as Crossbow

$ 34.47

Availability: 100 in stock


CrossCut Select is an easy-to-use, turf-friendly and flexible post-emergent herbicide that gives you complete control over many unwanted species on a variety of terrain. CrossCut Select herbicide is for the control of most kinds of unwanted trees and brush, as well as an­nual and perennial broadleaf weeds on residential turf, rangeland, permanent grass pas­tures, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres, commercial turf and sod farms, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, specified non-crop areas, and industrial sites. It is capable of dealing with the many hard-to-control species such as Elm, Hazel and Honeylocust, to easier ones like Beech, Dogwood and Hawthorne. This herbicide can even deal with broadleaf without any damage to turf.
* Excellent control of woody plants and brush, annual and perennial broadleaves
* Control broadleaf weeds growing in tall fescue, bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass turf.
* Can be applied by all types of sprayers, from hand-held models to tractor-mounted spray rigs
* Rainfast within two hours
* Can be applied in-season to foliage or during dormancy
Woody Plant Control
Alder, Ash, Beech, Birch, Blackberry, Black Locust, Boneset, Cascara, Ceanothus spp., Cherry (except black), Cottonwood, Dogwood, Elderberry, Hawthorn, Honeysuckle, Maples (except bigleaf & vine), Multiflora rose, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Sassafras (top growth), Scotch broom, Sumac, Sycamore, Tamarack, Wax myrtle (top growth), White oak, Wild grape, Willow
Weed Control in Commercial Turf and Commercial Sod Farms
Black medic, Bull thistle, Burdock, Buttercup, Canada thistle, Catnip, Chamise, Chickweeds (common & mouse-ear), Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cocklebur, Cornflower, Cornspeedwell, Creeping beggarweed, Dandelion, Docks, Field bindweed, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Henbit, Knawel, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Matchweed, Mustards, Oxalis (stricta and corniculata), Plantain, Poison oak, Prostate spurge, Purslane speedwell, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Spiderwort, Spotted Cat's-ear, Vetch, Wild carrot, Wild violet, Yarrow
Broadcast treatment of commercial and recreational turf and commercial sod farms
To be applied only under the direct supervision of Commercial applicators responsible for turf weed control programs.
Apply 2 to 4 pints (.5 to 1 lb. 2,4-D ai) of CrossCut Select in enough water to make 20 to 200 gallons total spray per acre to control broadleaf weeds growing in tall fescue, bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass turf. Do not use on other grass species, such as bentgrass or St. Augustine grass, unless injury can be tolerated.
RESTRICTIONS: For broadcast application on commercial, and recreational turf
Generally, the lower application rates within the specified range will provide satisfactory control of sensitive weed species. The higher application rates within the specified range will be required for dense infestations of perennial weeds, for adverse/extreme environmental conditions, or for weeds hardened off or more mature.
• Limited to 2 applications per year.
• Use a maximum of 4 pints CrossCut Select (1.5 lbs. 2,4-D ai) per acre per application.
• The maximum seasonal rate is 8 pints CrossCut Select per acre (2.0 lbs. 2,4-D ai/A), excluding spot treatments.